Silver Bullet Mist Spray
Silver Bullet Mist Spray
For a sterile & disease-free grow room, nothing beats Silver Bullet. It's THE disinfectant to use.
- Silver ions: break down protective (catalyse) barriers & keep H2O2 molecules stable!
- Hydrogen peroxide: physically destroys bacteria
Effective: 100,000x more effective than hydrogen peroxide
Kills 99% Of Bacteria, Fungus, Mould & Biofilm
It annihilates biofilm, which is normally a breeding ground for bacteria. Even botrytis, powdery mildew, pythium & fusarium are no match for this stuff!.
It’s non-toxic, non-corrosive, chlorine-free. There’s no odour, no colour & no taste to it, just a little fizzing as it gets to work. Use it on any surface and you'll still have one left.
You can use Silver Bullet Mist to sterilise your room, equipment & surfaces between grows or mid-crop
There's no mixing, no dilution - ready to use straight away
Globally Approved
By NASA, HSE, FDA, NATO & more
The Story
Silver bullet was first designed as a chlorine alternative.
During development, research papers were stolen twice. Fortunately, the big results weren't written down either time.
Even today, only two people in the world know the exact formulation that's used... and they never travel together, just in case!
You'll come across cheap copies, but no cigar - nothing else is as good.
This stuff will take on algae, viruses, coliforms, spores, protozoa - you name it! All of that, and it's approved by the EPA for human consumption.
It's used by hospitals, companies and government organisations across the world. It's even used to clean drinking water in some countries!